After 40+ years as a broker, I know a truth that is impossible to deny: Experiences learned daily and face to face resolution of challenges (*and there are always challenges) lead to successful transactions and very happy clients. Anyone who has passed their RE license exam and paid their fees can qualify to manage a property listing or sale; and we all began our careers that way…. but is that enough for you; perhaps not?
When you list or sell a property you entrust the chosen broker with your future. When the dust settles, every penny earned through a closed transaction counts and your wellbeing may depend on the results. You know you would sleep better with a Proven local Professional on your side; a Broker who practices and has proven many times over a commitment to the rule of “Fiduciary Responsibility” to their clients. But who?
Allow me to tell you where I started and why I am worth a second look.
It all begins on the shores of Lake Michigan in the in the “Heart of the Fruit Belt” at the SW corner of that State. I was raised in a small town very similar to that of Central Oregon communities like Redmond or Prineville. I was an active and inquisitive youth with a parochial school education, plenty of sports, 11 years of Boy Scouting and an Eagle Scout rank; and my life was a continuous outside existence in summer and winter. I truly was the helpful neighborhood boy who could be relied upon.
At 18 years of age, I pulled up stakes and headed to California, joined the Marines, and spent some time in SE Asia (and other places) but always dreaming of Oregon. But first it was to Arizona, then back to California and finally in 2006 I discovered Central Oregon and my permanent spot in Crooked River Ranch. The Central Oregon community recognized something and opened its arms and said come join in.
With my previous history in business, construction, Community Service and as an active Real Estate Broker; CO turned out to be the perfect fit for my temperament, skills and knowledge; however with the welcome CO expected my integration and involvement into local community life.
Over my past 15+ year engagement in CO, and as a Redmond Rotarian, (including the Club Presidency), I’ve been involved in numerous local
support functions including Shots for Tots, our annual Daddy Daughter Dance, and the Deschutes County Fair ticket sales.
As a member Redmond VFW I have been the spearpoint of many Veterans support programs, spent 2 years as Post Commander, 3 years as House
Committee Chairman, and finally Director of an effort to bring the largest Traveling Vietnam Wall of Honor to Redmond in 2010.
Today as the Director of the Flag City USA Project I oversee and manage volunteer groups who place 1,800+/- US flags throughout the streets of Redmond at least 6 times per year with an occasional special public event or promotion project to increase awareness of our Nations Flag.
And with all these group activities, a good wife to care for, and a little ranch to maintain; I still do what I do best 5 -6 days a week: perform my duties as licensed Oregon Principal Broker which is Listing and Selling Residential, Land, and Commercial Central Oregon property.
Take a moment and Cruise through this web site, shop a little and dream a lot. All actively listed properties in our MLS area are here.
And never hesitate for request your homes current Comparative Property Market Analysis/Value Estimate.
Call or text your questions or comments and let’s discuss the market that we are in today, and where we may be headed.
So for questions about pricing or the market conditions, residential or commercial property, lease rates or land values; call, text or e-mail,
because this is what I’m continuously trained for and what I truly love to do…meet folks just like you. Central Oregon is the place to be and now it’s the only place for me.
Thanks for stopping by this site…I do look forward to meeting you. Let’s chat.
Jeff Casserly
Principal Broker, Licensed in the state of Oregon
Downtown | Redmond
622 NW Cedar Ave
Redmond, OR 97756